Limited Access Rigs
GeoTek Hawaii uses a Geoprobe Model 420M for drilling in small tight spaces. With a width of 19” (483 mm), a working height of 94” (2388 mm), this high powered machine can perform the same operations as larger probes for soil and groundwater sampling, concrete drilling, and conductivity logging. Advantages
GeoTek Hawaii also relies on a Geoprobe Model 6620 track machine. In addition to direct push, our 6620 has the ability to perform geotechnical applications utilizing a high efficiency automatic drop hammer. Active energy measurements taken during our geotechnical projects have revealed that our equipment is providing high quality information. The 6620 works well to get into rough terrain, sensitive surfaces, and indoor work. GeoTek Has used our 6620 to perform solid and hollow stem augering, down hole air hammering, and wireline rock coring operations. Advantages